JSP code snippet: SecureThreeDACSForm.jsp

This JSP code snippet displays the password input form a cardholder uses to enter his password in this page. After entering the password, the cardholder clicks 'Submit' to verify the Payer Authentication.


  1. This snippet is available in the following directory:
    • WC_installdir/samples/Snippets/web/Order/Secure3d/SecureThreeDACSForm.jsp
    • WebSphere Commerce Developer WCDE_installdir\samples\Snippets\web\Order\Secure3d\SecureThreeDACSForm.jsp
  2. Copy it to the Snippets/Order/Secure3d/ directory under your store directory.

  3. To display this feature in your store, you need to either
    1. Create a JSP file based on this code snippet or
    2. Use the sample wrapper JSP file named SecureThreeDACSForm.jsp and customize it as described in the comments.

    The sample wrapper JSP is available under samples/JSPs/web/Order/Secure3d/ directory.

  4. To include this snippet in your wrapper JSP file, use the following statement:
    <c:import url="Snippets/Order/Secure3d/SecureThreeDACSForm.jsp"

    The path in this statement is the relative path of the snippet file to the store directory.


  1. Copy the sample wrapper JSP file to your store directory, from



    WC_eardir/Stores.war/ storedir/

  2. Copy the appropriate snippet file from



    WC_eardir/Stores.war/ storedir/Snippets/Order/Secure3d/

  3. You should also copy the required properties files from



    WC_eardir/Stores.war/WEB-INF/classes/ storedir/Snippets/Order/Secure3d/