Paymentech plug-in

The Paymentech plug-in allows the Payments plug-in controller to communicate directly with the Paymentech gateway by using the plug-in. The Paymentech plug-in replaces WebSphere Commerce Payments using the Paymentech cassette.

The Paymentech plug-in follows the Payment plug-in specification.

The Paymentech plug-in supports the following payment transactions:
Reverse approval
The Paymentech plug-in communicates with the Paymentech gateway, which can support online authorization reversals for credit cards.
Note: With APAR JR54351, you can now configure the Paymentech plug-in to use offline mode to authorize reversals for credit cards.
A batch is a collection of deposits (captures) and refunds that are to be processed together for settlement. For the Paymentech plug-in, authorization is processed online, while deposits and refunds are processed in batches. Payment authorization is processed during the order flow, but the batch is processed or settled at scheduled times with the ProcessPaymentechBatch scheduled job. For example, this job might be run daily.
Processed in Batch mode. The Paymentech plug-in returns a Pending status, then a scheduler job selects all deposit and credit transactions in Pending status and processes them in a batch transaction.
Processed in Batch mode. The Paymentech plug-in returns a Pending status, then a scheduler job selects all deposit and credit transactions in Pending status and processes them in a batch transaction.
Check payment instruction
The Paymentech plug-in, checkPaymentInstruction API, of addresses the validation of payment instruction locally. There is no communication with Paymentech gateway. In this API calling, expiry date, card number, and required parameters in plug-in deployment are validated.
The Paymentech plug-in does not support the following payment transactions:
  • Reverse deposit
  • Reverse credit
  • Validate payment instruction
If any of these APIs are called, the FunctionNotSupportedException is thrown.

The Paymentech plug-in sends the card verification value (CVV2) with the authorization request to the Paymentech gateway. Paymentech checks the CVV2 and return the cvv2ResultCode. If the CVV2 check fails, Paymentech returns a response code other than 100, and WebSphere Commerce marks the transaction as failed. No other actions (such as authorization reversal) are taken.