Reverting order-level free gift promotions to pre-Version-7 behavior

If you are migrating promotions to Management Center Version 7 and you do not want migrated order-level free gift promotions to use the Version 7 choice of free gift option, you can disable this option for your site. As a result, migrated order-level free gift promotions will work as they did before migration.

About this task

The features of pre-Version-7 of order-level free gift promotions are:
  • Customers cannot remove the free gifts from their shopping carts if they do not want the gift
  • The promotion can have only one SKU as a gift, although multiples of the SKU are allowed


  1. Navigate to the WC_eardir/xml/config/ directory.
  2. Open the OrderFreeGiftBehaviourControl.xsl file in an editor.
  3. Locate the following line of code:
    <xsl:variable name="preventRemovalOfFreeGiftFromCart">false</xsl:variable>
  4. Change the value false to true.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Deploy your changes to the production server.