Updating the installation directory silently

You can use the silent method to install a fix pack to update the WebSphere Commerce product to that fix pack level.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following tasks are completed:
  1. Download and install the WebSphere Commerce Update Installer
  2. Fix packs for WebSphere Commerce
  3. Save the fix pack to the following directory: UPDI_installdir/maintenance

    Ensure that the fix pack is the only new package in the maintenance directory. That is, ensure that the maintenance directory does not also include new interim fixes that need to be installed. You cannot install fix packs and individual interim fixes at the same time. Maintenance packages that were previously installed can stay in the maintenance directory.

  4. Ensure that the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager server is stopped.
  5. Stop the WebSphere Commerce Help Server.
  6. Run the stagingprop utility before you install the fix pack.
WebSphere Commerce Version or laterSolarisLinuxAIXFeature Pack 8Note: If you are a non-root user, you can apply fix packs only if you installed WebSphere Commerce Update Installer as a non-root user.


Complete the following steps to install the fix pack to the WebSphere Commerce product directory.
  1. Windows Log on with a user ID that is a member of the Windows Administration group.
  2. SolarisLinuxAIX Log on.
    • Log on as the root user
      • If you are already signed onto the system, issue the command su - root. Do not use the command su root. This command does not load the necessary root user's profile and environment.
    • Feature Pack 8WebSphere Commerce Version log on as a non-root user that owns WC_installdir.
    • Ensure that the file size limit is set to unlimited. To check the current limit, type the following in a command window: ulimit -a

      If the value returned for the file size is not set to unlimited, change the limit by running the following command: ulimit -f unlimited

    • Ensure that you increase the default limit of the open files parameter. Change the limit by running the following command: ulimit -n 8192
  3. For IBM i OS operating systemEnsure that your user has *SECOFR authority.
  4. Go to the UPDI_installdir/responsefiles directory and open the install.txt file in a text editor.
  5. Edit the install.txt file, ensuring the following sections are edited appropriately and are not commented out:
    Note: To comment out a line, remove the # character from the beginning of the appropriate entry.
    • Ensure that the -W maintenance.package line contains the directory name for the fix pack. For example:
      • For IBM i OS operating system-W maintenance.package="/QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/V7/UPDI/maintenance"
      • AIX-W maintenance.package="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/V7/UPDI/maintenance"
      • SolarisLinux-W maintenance.package="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/V7/UPDI/maintenance"
      • Windows-W maintenance.package="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller\V7\UPDI\maintenance"
    • Ensure that the -W product.location line contains the full path name of the WebSphere Commerce installation directory. For example:
      • For IBM i OS operating system-W product.location="/QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer70"
      • AIX-W product.location="/usr/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70"
      • SolarisLinux-W product.location="/opt/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70"
      • Windows-W product.location="C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\CommerceServer70"
      Verify that the -W update.instancename and -W update.db entries do not exist or that they are commented out. Save the file and exit.
    • Ensure that the following lines indicate that you accept both IBM and third-party license agreements:
      • -OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
      • -OPT silentInstall3rdPartyLicenseAcceptance="true"
  6. For IBM i OS operating systemStart a Qshell session by typing QSH at the command prompt.
  7. Run the following command from the UPDI_installdir :
    • For IBM i OS operating systemupdate -options UPDI_installdir/responsefiles/install.txt
    • SolarisLinuxAIX./update.sh -options UPDI_installdir/responsefiles/install.txt -silent
    • Windowsupdate.bat -options UPDI_installdir/responsefiles/install.txt -silent

    WindowsWhen the prompt returns wait for the Java process that is associated with the Update Installer to finish.

  8. Check the log files for errors. The log files are in directory WC_installdir/logs/update/7.0.0-WS-WCServer-FP00X.install.

What to do next

If you created a WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Payments instance, you must first update the WebSphere Commerce product, then relaunch the installer. Refer to Updating the instance silently.

If you do not have an existing WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Payments instance, then the installation of the fix pack is complete. Refer to Installing final steps.

SolarisLinuxAIXIf you plan to create an instance and you recently upgraded your WebSphere Application Server fix pack level, complete the following steps before you create a WebSphere Commerce or WebSphere Commerce Payments instance:
  • Sign in as the root user.
  • Run the command: WC_installdir/bin/wcnonroot.sh