Introduced in Feature Pack 3

Feature enablement causes WebSphere Commerce Developer to stop responding

In a WebSphere Commerce Developer environment with Feature Pack 3 or later installed, enabling features that automatically enable the management-center feature might cause Developer to stop responding.

In the enableFeature.log, the log file ends with the following messages,
importCMC:   [delete] Deleting 2032 files from
F:\IBM\WCDE_E~1\workspace\LOBTools   [delete] Deleted 266 directories from
F:\IBM\WCDE_E~1\workspace\LOBTools     [copy] Copying 4050 files to
F:\IBM\WCDE_E~1\workspace\LOBTools [projectImport] projectName=LOBTools
projectLocation=null [projectImport] project.refresh [projectImport]
(Begin) [projectImport] ... subtask: Refreshing '/LOBTools'. [projectImport]
(Done) refreshProject:


Feature enablement is stuck on the following line of toolkitWorkspaceTask.xml when it is trying to clean the OpenLaszloIndex:
<antcall target="refreshProject" />  
<!-- Clean openlaszlo index for LOBTools project
        <equals arg1="${featureIdLowercase}" arg2="fep0"/> 
        <equals arg1="${featureIdLowercase}" arg2="fep1"/>    
        <equals arg1="${featureIdLowercase}" arg2="fep2"/>   
<!-- If FEP3 or higher, clean openlaszlo index for LOBTools project  --> 
    <CleanOpenLaszloIndex projectName="LOBTools" />   


  1. Stop the feature enablement process.
  2. Open the WCDE_installdir\components\common\xml\toolkitWorkspaceTask.xml file.
  3. Remove the following line:
    <!-- If FEP3 or higher, clean openlaszlo index for LOBTools project  --> 
        <CleanOpenLaszloIndex projectName="LOBTools" /> 
  4. Run the enablement script again.
    enableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=<feature name> -DcontinueOnSQLError=continue
  5. In Rational Application Developer, click the LOBTools project.
  6. Click Project > clean. This step ensures that files from the previous Feature Pack level are no longer indexed.