Feature Pack 6

Preprocessing the search index data

In this lesson, the search index data is preprocessed to prepare your WebSphere Commerce data for indexing. The preprocess utility extracts and flattens WebSphere Commerce data and then outputs the data into a set of temporary tables inside the WebSphere Commerce database. The data in the temporary tables is then used by the index building utility in the next lesson to populate the data into Solr indexes with Solr's Data Import Handler (DIH).

Preprocessing for offer price is required because you must index each currency of the offer prices. However, the preprocessing stage is not always required. The cost price contains only one currency, so you do not need to flatten it to a summary table. The focus here is to calculate the profit margin and index it in the actual indexing stage. You are not indexing the cost price data because you are not using this data directly in this tutorial.

In this lesson, you must ensure that the offer price data is preprocessed. You are not preprocessing any cost price, as the cost price has only one currency and is flat enough to be used for indexing.


  1. Apache DerbyStop the WebSphere Commerce server.
  2. Go to the following directory:
    • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIX WC_installdir/bin
    • WebSphere Commerce Developer WCDE_installdir\bin
  3. Run the preprocessing utility:
    • Windows di-preprocess.bat full-path -instance instance_name -dbuser dbuser -dbuserpwd dbuserpwd
    • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIX./di-preprocess.sh full-path -instance instance_name -dbuser dbuser -dbuserpwd dbuserpwd
    • WebSphere Commerce Developerdi-preprocess.bat full-path
    Required: The full directory location of the preprocessing configuration files. For example: <CommerceServer70>/instances/<instance name>/search/pre-processConfig/MC_10001/DB2.
    The name of the WebSphere Commerce instance with which you are working (for example, demo).

    DB2The name of the user who is connecting to the database.

    OracleThe user ID connecting to the database.

    The password for the user who is connecting to the database.