Introduced in Feature Pack 2

Search index locking in WebSphere Commerce search

The WebSphere Commerce search index is locked at certain points during the indexing lifecycle. For example, when running the search utilities or scheduler jobs.

The search index is locked or unlocked during the following scenarios:

WebSphere Commerce search locking

Lifecycle task Search utility or scheduler job Locking behavior
Preprocessing the WebSphere Commerce search index data di-preprocess Acquires an indexing lock when the utility starts. The lock is of the same preprocessing type; that is, a delta lock for delta updates, or a full lock for full updates.
Building the WebSphere Commerce search index di-buildindex Checks for indexing locks when the utility starts. If the lock type and build type are different, the utility fails. If the index build completes successfully, it clears the lock at completion.
Creating and scheduling the UpdateSearchIndex job UpdateSearchIndex Checks for indexing locks when the job starts. If a lock exists, the job does not run. If the job runs, it acquires a lock when it starts preprocessing the search index, and clears the lock at the completion of the index build.
Propagating the search index with the repeater indexprop Checks for indexing locks when the utility starts. If a lock exists, the utility fails. If the utility runs, it acquires a lock when it starts, and clears the lock when it completes.