
Use the CatalogGroupRelationship keyword to load parent and child category relationships into your WebSphere Commerce database.

Feature Pack 6 or laterPreviously, you could load this data only in CSV formatted files. You can now load information in a CSV or XML formatted input file. Your input file must contain CSV column or XML element names and definitions that specify the characteristics of the business object type you are loading into your database.

CSV column and XML element definitions

(String) The category identifier. Either this field or the GroupUniqueId is required.
(Integer) The internal unique reference number of the category. Either this field or the GroupIdentifier is required.
(String) The parent identifier of this category. Leave empty for top-level category.
(Integer) The internal unique reference number of the parent category.
(String) The identifier of the store that owns the parent category. Use this field when you use the extended sites model, where the parent store is different from the store your new category is being added to.
(Integer) The internal unique reference number of the store that owns the parent category.
(Decimal) An optional number that is used to control the order in which child categories are displayed in a parent category. This number can include decimal places, for example, 1.1.
(String) A flag indicating whether to delete. Specify 1 to delete the row.