
Use the CatalogEntryAttributeDictionaryAttributeRelationship keyword to load relationships between attribute dictionary attributes and catalog entries into your WebSphere Commerce database.

Feature Pack 6 or laterPreviously, you could load this data only in CSV formatted files. You can now load information in a CSV or XML formatted input file. Your input file must contain CSV column or XML element names and definitions that specify the characteristics of the business object type you are loading into your database.

Catalog entry and attribute dictionary attribute relationships can be loaded for defining and descriptive attributes:
  • For defining attributes, the attribute values specified in the attribute must exist in the catalog. Attribute values cannot be loaded for defining attributes when you are creating a relationship.
  • For descriptive attributes, the attribute values can be loaded with a relationship. If the attribute values specified do not exist in the catalog for the attribute, the values load before the relationship.
  • When you create a catalog entry and attribute relationship for an attribute with predefined (allowed) values, any existing relationship between the two objects is removed and the specified relationship loads.

CSV column and XML element definitions

(String) The part number of the catalog entry. Either this field or the CatalogEntryUniqueId is required. The part number for a catalog entry displays in Management Center as the value for the catalog entry Code property.
(Integer) The internal unique reference number of the catalog entry. Either this field or the PartNumber is required.
(String) The attribute identifier. Either this field or the AttributeUniqueId is required.
(Integer) The unique reference number of the attribute. Either this field or the Identifier is required..
Introduced in Feature Pack 2LanguageId
Introduced in Feature Pack 2(Integer) The language identifier for language-specific fields. For example:
  • -1 for English
  • -2 for French.
Beginning in WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 2, the Language column is renamed to LanguageId. You must specify only one language identifier; use LanguageId instead of Language as the language identifier.
(Integer) The language ID for language-specific fields (Name, ShortDescription, LongDescription, AuxDescription1, AuxDescription2, Thumbnail, FullImage, Published, and Keyword). For instance:
  • -1 for English
  • -2 for French.
(Integer) The language identifier for language-specific fields. For example:
  • -1 for English
  • -2 for French.
(String) The unique identifier of the attribute value. Use this field when the attribute contains allowed values that are defined. If the attribute does not contain allowed values that are defined, then this field is used as the value identifier of the newly created value.
(String) The language-specific value of the attribute. Attribute values are based on the data type such as text, number, or decimal.
(String) The usage of the attribute in relation to the catalog entry. The field can be set to 'Defining' or null for defining attribute that is used for SKU resolution; 'Descriptive' for descriptive attributes.
(Decimal) A number that is used to control the order in which attributes display for a catalog entry. Attributes display in ascending order. The default value is 0.
(String) The identifier of the store that owns the attribute dictionary. Use this field when your site uses the extended sites model, where the store that owns the attribute dictionary is different from the store that your catalog entry belongs to.
(Integer) The unique reference number of the store that owns the attribute dictionary.
Introduced in Feature Pack 2Field1
Introduced in Feature Pack 2(Integer) A custom field for the catalog entry and attribute relationship information.
Introduced in Feature Pack 2Loads data to: CATENTRYATTR.FIELD1
Introduced in Feature Pack 2Field2
Introduced in Feature Pack 2(Integer) A custom field for the catalog entry and attribute relationship information.
Introduced in Feature Pack 2Loads data to: CATENTRYATTR.FIELD2
Introduced in Feature Pack 2Field3
Introduced in Feature Pack 2(String) A custom field for the catalog entry and attribute relationship information.
Introduced in Feature Pack 2Loads data to: CATENTRYATTR.FIELD3
(String) A flag that indicates whether to delete. To delete a row, specify 1.