Example: Wizard, dialog or notebook controller command

This example controller command defines a wizard, dialog, or notebook.

package com.ibm.commerce.tools.test;
import java.util.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.ras.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.server.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.command.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.exception.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.datatype.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.tools.common.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.tools.command.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.tools.common.ui.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.exception.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.tools.resourcebundle.*;
import com.ibm.commerce.tools.util.*;

public class TestCmdImpl extends ToolsControllerCommandImpl implements TestCmd {
protected ResourceBundleProperties resourceBundle = null;
protected String viewname = null;
protected String successMsg = "Success";
protected String errorMsg = "Error";

// sample input data
protected String name = null;
protected int age;
protected float salary;
protected String department = null;
public void performExecute() {

* your business logic here

// exit successfully - forwarding to returning view 
responseProperties = new TypedProperty();
responseProperties.put(ECConstants.EC_VIEWTASKNAME, viewname);
responseProperties.put(UIProperties.SUBMIT_FINISH_MESSAGE, successMsg);

public void validateParameters() throws ECException {

String methodName = "validateParameters";

/* optionally, load your resource bundle file and NL messages 
Locale locale = commandContext.getLocale();
resourceBundle = (ResourceBundleProperties) ResourceDirectory.lookup("samples.samplesNLS", locale);
successMsg = (String) resourceBundle.get("successMsg");
errorMsg = (String) resourceBundle.get("errorMsg");

// retrieve the data which was set on the client using parent.put
name = (String) requestProperties.getString("name", null);
age = requestProperties.getIntValue("age", 0);
salary = requestProperties.getFloatValue("salary", 0);
department = (String) requestProperties.getString("department", null);

// set returning URL view name 
viewname = requestProperties.getString(ECConstants.EC_REDIRECTURL);

/* error use case - returning error code and message to view command via ECException
if (salary < 10000.00 || salary > 99999.99) {
responseProperties = new TypedProperty();
responseProperties.put(UIProperties.SUBMIT_ERROR_STATUS, "101");
responseProperties.put(UIProperties.SUBMIT_ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMsg);
throw new ECApplicationException(
