Multiple framesets

Multiple framesets are used to rendering of different framesets and when creating a dynamic list in a notebook, dialog, or wizard.

Multiple framesets are used in the following manner:

  • A set of JavaBeans are provided to handle the rendering of different framesets described below:
    • A regular frameset which includes two frames; a list in the base content frame, and the button frame. To create this frameset, use the getFrameset() method. This frameset is available to create wizards, dialogs, and notebooks.
    • A scroll control frameset which has three frames; the scroll control frame, the button frame, and the base frame. To create this frameset, use the getScrollControlFrameset() method. This frameset should only be used outside of a wizard, dialog, or notebook.
    • A second scroll control frameset which does not have a button frame. To create this frameset, use the getScrollControlButtonlessFrameset() method.
  • When creating a dynamic list in a notebook, dialog, or wizard, certain JavaScript functions must be added to the parent frame of the list (for example, the savePanelData() function). In this case the developer must:
    1. Create a parent frame JSP file which contains the frameset and includes the required JavaScript functions.
    2. Make a copy of NewDynamicList.jsp, in your component's location in the file system.
    3. Rename the NewDynamicList.jsp file as required.
    4. If necessary, create a view for the JSP file.