Updating the WebSphere Commerce configuration with your WebSphere Application Server administrative security credentials

WebSphere Commerce must know your WebSphere Application Server administrative security (global security) user ID and password in order to successfully complete automated configuration and deployment tasks. When you change your WebSphere Application Server administrative security (global security) user ID or password, you must store the updates in the WebSphere Commerce configuration.

Before you begin

Ensure that you are aware of the user ID and password for the WebSphere Application Server primary administrative user. That is, the user assigned the Primary administrative user name role in the WebSphere Application Server cell.

About this task

You can update the WebSphere Commerce configuration by using the Configuration Manager or the command line.


  • SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsTo update the WebSphere Commerce configuration by using Configuration Manager:
    1. Open Configuration Manager.
    2. Expand WebSphere Commerce > node_name > Commerce > Instance List > instance_name > Instance Properties > Security.
    3. Select the Enable Administrative Security check box.
    4. Enter the server user ID and password for the WebSphere Application Server primary administrative user. That is, the user assigned the Primary administrative user name role in the WebSphere Application Server cell.
    5. Complete the following steps if you select Enable application security:
      1. Select the Enable Application Security check box. Click Yes to any confirmation prompts.
      2. Enter the user ID and Password for the user with the WCSecurityRole that you previously specified.
      3. Click Apply. Configuration Manager is unresponsive while it deploys the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
      4. Close the Configuration Manager.
  • To update the WebSphere Commerce configuration by using the command line:
    1. Open a command prompt and point to the following directory:
      • SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir/bin
      • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir/bin
    2. The wcs_encrypt command generates an encrypted string of your password. Copy or record the ASCII encrypted string that is generated by the wcs_encrypt command.
      Note: The encrypt utility must be run without any additional parameters. If more parameters are used, the utility can still encrypt without an error, but the value that is added into the file is incorrect, causing errors when the system tries to use the value.
    3. In a text editor, open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file for the instance:
      • SolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir/instances/instanceName/xml/instance_name.xml
      • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir/workspace/WC/xml/config/wc-server.xml
    4. Update the security section of the WebSphere Commerce configuration file with the ASCII encrypted string from step 2.
      Your updated security section can resemble the following code snippet, where
      • WASAdminUserName is the user ID of the primary WebSphere Application Server administrative security user.
      • WASAdminPassword is the password of the primary WebSphere Application Server administrative security user's password. Update this password to be the ASCII encrypted string that is generated by the wcs_encrypt command.
      <Security AdminPwd="WASAdminPassword" AdminUser="WASAdminUserName" AuthMode="LDAP" Realm="" 
       RunAsID="WASAdminUserName" RunAsPwd="WASAdminPassword" enabled="true" enabledGlobal="true" 
       passwordpolicy="true" />
    5. Save and close the WebSphere Commerce configuration file. You do not need to restart the server.
    6. SolarisLinuxAIXWindows Propagate the changes in the WebSphere Commerce configuration file according to these steps: Propagating changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.