Introduced in Feature Pack 2

Modifying store JSP files and services to access attribute dictionary attributes

To use the Management Center attribute dictionary for your site after your site is migrated from WebSphere Commerce Version 6 to WebSphere Commerce Version 7, you must perform the following tasks to prepare your store to use the migrated attribute dictionary data for your site.

Before you begin

Ensure that all of your attributes are migrated to be attribute dictionary attributes. When you successfully migrate your attributes, the attributes are automatically available within the Management Center attribute dictionary.


  1. Access your migrated attribute dictionary data from the server-side Java code by using SOA web services to access the attribute dictionary attributes for a catalog entry.
  2. Modify your JSP file to use the getdata tag. Your non-attribute dictionary attributes are accessed with data beans. To access attribute dictionary data, you must change all the data bean commands to use the wcf:getData tag in any JSP file that is to retrieve the attribute dictionary attributes.
    The following sample JSP file code modifies the Stores/WebContent/Madisons/Snippets/Catalog/CatalogEntryDisplay/CachedProductOnlyDisplay.jsp file to use the wcf:getData tag to access attribute dictionary data:
    <wcf:getData type="[]" 
    var="catalogEntriesForAttributes" expressionBuilder="getCatalogEntryByParentCatalogEntryId">
    		<wcf:contextData name="storeId" data="${param.storeId}"/>
    		<wcf:param name="catEntryId" value="${product.productID}"/>
    		<wcf:param name="dataLanguageIds" value="${WCParam.langId}"/>
    		<wcf:param name="accessProfile" value="IBM_Store_CatalogEntryAttributes"/>