
Opening the Configuration Manager on Windows

The Configuration Manager provides a graphical interface for configuring a WebSphere Commerce instance.

Before you begin

If you are modifying an existing WebSphere Commerce instance, ensure that the WebSphere Application Server management server (for example, server1 or dmgr) is started successfully. Ensure that it is running before modifying instance-specific properties in Configuration Manager. For more information about modifying the instance, see Starting and stopping WebSphere Commerce.

About this task

Note: The Windows operating system restricts access to remote mapped directories from Windows Services. If you are going to use a mapped remote directory for a Web server, start Configuration Manager server with the WC_installdir/bin/config_server.bat command. Starting Configuration Manager server with Windows services causes a "remote directory not found" error.


  1. Ensure that the IBM WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager server process is running.
    1. Open Windows Services. (click Start, click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Services).
    2. Check that the IBM WC 7.0 Configuration Manager server service has a status of Started.
      Important: Leaving the IBM WC 7.0 Configuration Manager server service running could potentially pose a security problem. Stop the IBM WC 7.0 Configuration Manager server service when you are not using Configuration Manager. By default, this service is stopped when you exit Configuration Manager.

      To prevent potential security problems, ensure that the IBM WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager server is set for manual startup, not automatic.

  2. Select Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Commerce Server v7.0 > Setup Tools > Configuration Manager.
  3. In the Configuration Authentication window, enter the Configuration Manager user ID and password and click OK.