
Opening the Configuration Manager on AIX, Linux, and Solaris

The Configuration Manager provides a graphical interface for configuring a WebSphere Commerce instance.


  1. Ensure server1 is started successfully before modifying instance-specific properties in Configuration Manager. For more information see Starting and stopping WebSphere Commerce.
  2. Start the server by completing the following steps:
    1. Log in as root.
    2. Open a terminal window.
    3. Issue the following command:
      xhost + host_name
      where host_name is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you want to run the Configuration Manager.
      Note: When starting the Configuration Manager over an X-client such as Exceed, the xhost command must be issued from the console terminal, while the other commands are issued from a terminal session in the X-client. When using an X-client, host_name is the fully-qualified domain name of the X-client system.
    4. Issue the following command:
      su - wasuser_ID
      where wasuser_ID is the non-root user ID created before installing WebSphere Commerce. The default WebSphere Application Server user name is wasuser.
    5. Issue the following commands:
      export DISPLAY=host_name:0.0
      cd WC_installdir/bin
      where host_name is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you want to run the Configuration Manager.
      • To ensure that the Configuration Manager server and Client are secure, you can use the -protocol SSL command line option.
      • Do not close the terminal window you entered the command in or the Configuration Manager server will stop.
      • Do not run the Configuration Manager server as a background process - this is a potential security risk.
      • Do not leave the Configuration Manager server running unless there is a client connected - this a potential security risk.
  3. Start the client by completing the following tasks:
    1. Open another terminal window.
    2. Issue the following command:
      xhost + host_name
      where host_name is the fully qualified domain name of the system on which you want to run the Configuration Manager.
    3. Issue the following command:
      su - wasuser_ID
      where wasuser_ID is the non-root user ID created before installing WebSphere Commerce. The default WebSphere Application Server user name is wasuser.
    4. Issue the following commands:
      export DISPLAY=host_name:0.0
      cd WC_installdir/bin
      ./[-protocol SSL]
      where host_name is the fully qualified host name of the system from which you want to access the Configuration Manager.
      Note: To ensure that the Configuration Manager server and client are secure, you can use the [-protocol SSL] command line option. If this the [-protocol SSL] option is used, both the client and the server must use it.
  4. In the Configuration Authentication window, enter the Configuration Manager user ID and password and click OK.