Introduced in Feature Pack 2

Overview of migrating store functions and store style from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to Management Center Version 7 Feature Pack 2

Review this information to understand the requirements for and process of migrating existing store function data and store style data to Management Center Version 7 Feature Pack 2.

Note: Before WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 2, store functions were referred to as change flows.
The following diagram shows how store functions and store style are worked on in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. The store function settings and store style settings were stored in XML files (such as Features.xml, scf.xml, fsf.xml, style.xml, and VirtualPages.xml) within the Stores.war file. These XML files specify which store function options and store style options were available and enabled in a store.
Diagram of the store function solution before WebSphere Commerce v7 FEP2
The following diagram shows how store functions and store style works in Management Center. The store function settings and store style settings are stored in the EMSPOT and DMEMSPOTDEF database tables. These settings indicate which store function options and store style options are available and enabled in a store.
Diagram of the store function solution in WebSphere Commerce v7 FEP2
Storing the store function settings and store style settings in the Marketing database offers the following benefits:
  • The store function and store style selection process is more efficient since you no longer update your EAR file. You also no longer must update the style.xml and VirtualPages.xml files when you change selected store functions or store style.
  • You can stage your selected store functions and store style. If you change the value of a store function in the staging environment, you do not have change the value in both the staging and production environments. For example, if you change the value for optional fields to display on the Registration and Change Personal Information pages. When you propagate your changes, the production environment is automatically updated.
After WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 2 is enabled, all newly published stores will use the new store function and store style design.
The following table lists and describes the various migration scenarios for store functions and store style.
Migration scenario Use new store functions and store style in Management Center Continue to use change flows and store style in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
Store that was published before WebSphere Commerce v7 FEP2
  1. Migrating store functions and store style from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to Management Center
  2. Manually migrate Management Center user interface files so that the Store Management tool uses the new store function settings and the new store style settings.
No migration is required.
Publish new store on WebSphere Commerce v7 FEP2 by using an old SAR file, such as consumerDirect.sar Store publish continues to work as before. After the store is published:
  1. Use the migrateStoreFunctions utility to generate the marketing data required for the store functions and store style.
  2. Manually migrate Management Center user interface files so that the Store Management tool uses the new store function settings and the new store style settings.
No migration is required.
Publish new store on version of WebSphere Commerce v7 before FEP2, by using an old SAR file, such as consumerDirect.sar Not applicable. Store publish continues to work as before. The data that is required by the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator change flows and store style is generated and used by the store.
Publish new store on WebSphere Commerce v7 FEP2 by using a new SAR file, such as Madisons.sar Publish the store. When the store is published, the store functions data and store style data is created and displayed in the Management Center for the business user. Not supported.

Store functions migration utility

The store functions migration utility is a script that extracts both store function data and store style data from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator XML files. The utility saves the data to the Management Center database tables. After the data is migrated, business users can manage store functions and store style in the Store Management tool within Management Center. The following diagram illustrates the data migration process:
Data migration process diagram

Post-migration configuration tasks

After you run the store functions migration utility, you must manually migrate the Management Center user interface files to ensure that your site is configured to support the new store function settings and store style settings available with Management Center. The Store Management tool within Management Center can now use the new store function settings and the new store style settings.

Migrated store function and store style representation in the Management Center user interface

Store functions and store styles migrated to Management Center are managed in a user interface that looks different from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. In Management Center, store functions are managed in a tabbed properties view:
Store function tabs
In Management Center, store style is managed in the Styles tab within the properties view:
Store style tab

Each migrated store function and store style works the same way that it did on the storefront. The differences are visible only to business users that are managing the store functions and store styles.