My Dashboard

My Dashboard is BigFix’s home page.

When accessing BigFix for the first time, a prompt appears, encouraging the addition of devices to the BigFix deployment. The top right corner of the Home Page has the following two icons that provide additional functionality:
  • - The first one is the notification icon, where important prompts are displayed.
  • - The second one is the User Profile icon/photo, which links users to their account management page.

For customers who have multiple BigFix accounts, each account can set whether to use the light or dark mode.
Note: The Dark Mode feature is an account level feature which means that any change to the setting will apply across the application and for all users.

Click to access your account’s user profile. In your account's user profile, click the switch to toggle between dark and light mode. Clicking the icon shows important notifications for the user.

BigFix currently supports the following three apps:

  • Deployment Manager

  • Device Explorer

  • Fixlet Explorer

  • User Manager

Details about these applications and their functionality is available in separate sections. To unlock BigFix’s full potential, it is essential to add your organization’s devices into your BigFix deployment. This is extremely simple! To begin, click Add device and then follow the prompts on the screen.