Obtaining the target log files

About this task

You can create debug log files on the target system for debugging a problem by configuring target properties. To enable the debug log, complete the steps that are relevant to your operating system. You must have admin authority.
Windows® systems
  1. Edit the target registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\Tivoli\Remote Control\Target
    Note: On a 64-bit system, all the 32-bit registry keys are under the WOW6432Node key. For example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\IBM\Tivoli\Remote Control\Target
  2. Right-click LogLevel and select Modify
  3. Set the value to 4 and click OK.
  4. Restart the target service.
  5. Start a session with the target and run the steps that are required for creating the problem.
  6. End the session.
The log files are found in the location that is defined by the WorkingDir property in the target registry.
Linux® systems
  1. Edit the /etc/ibmtrct.conf file
  2. Set the value of LogLevel to 4 and save the file.
  3. Restart the target service.
  4. Start a session with the target and run the steps that are required for creating the problem.
  5. End the session.
The log files are found in the location that is defined by the WorkingDir property in the ibmtrct.conf file.
macOS systems
  1. Click Go > Utilities > Terminal.
  2. Enter sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.ibm.bigfix.remotecontrol.target.plist LogLevel 4.
  3. Enter your password if prompted.
  4. Restart the target.
    1. Click Remote Control Target > Quit Remote Control Target.
    2. Open the Remote Control Target.app.
  5. Start a session with the target and run the steps that are required for creating the problem.
  6. End the session.
The log file is found in the working directory of the target. ~/Library/Application Support/com.ibm.bigfix.remotecontrol.target

The log files are created with names in the following format:

On Windows® and Linux® systems:

trc_[comp]_[SUFFIX].log where [SUFFIX] is determined by the LogRollOver and LogRotation settings and [comp] is base, dsp, or gui.

For example, trc_base_Mon.log, trc_gui_Thu.log

On macOS systems:

trc_target_[SUFFIX].log where [SUFFIX] is determined by the LogRollOver and LogRotation settings.

For example, trc_target_Mon.log.

Note: When you finish gathering log files, set the value of LogLevel back to 2. Restart the target service.

For more information about the logging properties, see Properties for configuring logging activity