Patches report

The Patches report displays a list of patches and related details in a grid format.

The report primarily contains this information:
  • The severity level of the patch
  • The category of the patch
  • The source of the patch
  • The source release date of the patch
  • A historical aggregate of computers that do not have the patch applied yet
  • The percentage of remediated computers
  • A historical aggregate of remediated Computers
You can further navigate to the sub reports by clicking patch link.
The individual patch contains three sub reports:
Displays the current number of and historical aggregate of computers that do not have the patch applied yet, the percentage of and a historical aggregate of the remediated computers, and the patch properties.
Subscribed Computers
Displays the list of computers that are subscribed to the selected patch.
Computer Groups
Displays the list of computer groups that are subscribed to the selected patch.

Important: By default, the columns will be sorted in the descending order. You can sort the columns manually by clicking the Relevant Computers and percentage Remediated column titles.