Overview Reports

The following graphical reports are available from the primary Overview window in the Security Configuration Management dashboard:

Deployment Overview
Shows deployment information (such as quantity of computers and quantity of checks) and overall, historical aggregate compliance for all checks on all computers visible to logged-in users.
Checklist Overview
Shows information about a single checklist (such as quantity of checks in the checklist) and overall, historical aggregate compliance for the checklist as applied to all computers visible to logged in users.
Computer Overview
Shows information about a single computer (such as number of checks evaluated on the computer) and overall, historical aggregate compliance of all checks evaluated by the computer.
Computer Group Overview
Shows information about a computer group (such as number of children/sub-groups and number of member computers) and overall, historical aggregate compliance of the group.
Check Overview
Shows information about a single check (such as check source and check description) and overall, historical aggregate compliance of the check as evaluated by all computers visible to logged in users.
Vulnerability Overview
Shows information about a single vulnerability check (such as vulnerability properties, CVSS score metrics, and vulnerability description) and overall, historical aggregate compliance for the vulnerability evaluated by all computers visible to logged in users.
Note: The Overview page does not display the Vulnerability Overview if there is no report about vulnerability.