Chart Types

BigFix Compliance Analytics displays summaries of compliance data through the following chart types:

Compliance Overview
Displays compliance history over time as an overall percentage.
Computers by Compliance Quartile
Bar chart that provides compliance data by quartile.
Compliance History Detail Chart
Win loss chart that displays compliance history over time.
Check Results History
Total number of check results over time.
Not applicable
A check that does not apply to a given computer.
A check that is noncompliant on a given computer.
Excepted (NC)
A check that is noncompliant on a given computer, but that has been excepted through a manually-created exception.
Excepted (C)
A check that is compliant on a given computer, but that has been excepted through a manually-created exception.
A check that complies with the checklist desired values.
Vulnerability History Detail Chart
Win loss chart that displays vulnerability history over time.