List Reports

Click Reports to find the following reports:
Checklist List
Shows the list of checklists in the deployment together with attributes of each checklist and the overall, historical aggregate compliance results of all checks on all visible computers for each checklist.
Checks List
Shows the list of checks in the given scope together with attributes of each check and the overall, historical aggregate compliance results (the aggregate of all visible computer’s pass and fail score) of each check.
Computers List
Shows the list of all computers in the given scope visible to the logged-in user together with attributes of each computer and the overall, historical aggregate compliance results of all checks evaluated on the computer.
Computer Groups List
Shows the list of all computer groups in the given scope visible to the logged-in user together with attributes of each group and the overall, historical aggregate compliance results of all checks on all computers in each group.
Vulnerabilities List
Shows the list of vulnerability checks in the given scope visible to the logged-in user together with attributes of each computer and the overall, historical aggregate vulnerability results of all vulnerability checks evaluated on the computer.