Using the Bar Operator

As of version 8 of TEM, you can use the bar ( | ) operator to iterate through a list and find the first item that doesn't produce an error. In the following example, we assume that the file gone.txt doesn't exist, so getting its size throws an error:

Q: size of file "c:\gone.txt" | 10
A: 10

The expression skips past the file error and lands on 10.

Q: (size of file "c:\gone.txt" > 0) | false
A: False

The bar operator is looking for errors, not true or false, so it will report false if that is the first error-free phrase.

Q: ( (not exists file "c:\gone.txt") | (size of file "c:\gone.txt" = 0) )
A: False

Because the bar operator can skip through errors, it can simplify your code. Typically you check for the existence of each file before examining it:

    exists result (it,bes properties "Shared Groups")
    whose (exists value of it)
   value of result (it,bes properties "Shared Groups")
   "No Result"
 of bes computers

Here is how you might write this using the bar operator:

  value of result (it,bes property "Shared Groups") | "No Result"
 of bes computers

The bar operator just keeps iterating through the list until it reaches an error-free phrase, which in this case is the "No Result" message.