Summing Over Time Units

As of version 8 of TEM, you can sum over different units of time to create a complex time value. This allows you to work with finer time granularity and greater accuracy. Here are some examples:

Q: sum of (second; minute; hour; day)
A: 1 day, 01:01:01
Q: sum of ((second * 5); (minute * 3))
A: 00:03:05
Q: sum of ((second * 1); (second * 2); (minute * 3); (minute * 4); (hour * 5); 
(hour * 6); (day * 7); (day * 8))
A: 15 days, 11:07:03
Q: sum of ((second * 5); (minute * 3); (hour * 17); (day * -23))
A: -22 days, 06:56:55
Q: sum of (second / 10)
A: 00:00:00.100
Q: sum of ((hour + hour))
A: 02:00:00

Note that summing over a time interval includes weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds only. It will not sum months or years.