Operating on Lists of Floating Point Numbers

As of version 8 of TEM, you can sum over multiple floating point numbers in a semicolon-separated list:

Q: sum of ("1.2" as floating point; "1.5" as floating point)
A: 2.7

This is just like adding floating point numbers, but it allows you to sum up a list of multiple numbers:

Q: sum of ("1.0" as floating point; "1.1" as floating point; "1.9" as 
floating point)
A: 4.0

Not that, as with normal floating point addition, you need to pay attention to the digits of accuracy you use. The least accurate number in the summation determines the accuracy of the answer. If you only require one digit to the right of the decimal point, you could indicate that with a phrase like this:

Q: sum of ("1.1" as floating point; "1.06" as floating point)
A: 2.2

If you require more digits of accuracy, add zeroes.

Q: sum of ("1.10" as floating point; "1.06" as floating point)
A: 2.16

You can explicitly increase the accuracy with the more significance operator:

Q: sum of (more significance 1 of floating point "1.1"; "1.06" as floating point)
A: 2.16

You can also multiply a list of numbers with the product operator:

Q: product of ("1" as floating point; "2" as floating point; "3" as floating point)
A: 6