Configuring the Trusted Service Provider

Communication from the IBM® BigFix server and WebReports to the SSP passes through the Trusted Service Provider (TSP). The TSP must have These credentials manually configured.


  1. Run the following commands and replace the examples in brackets <>.
    tsp.bat config tem_server <>
     tsp.bat config tem_user <username>
     tsp.bat config tem_pass <password>
     tsp.bat config wr_path "<>"
     tsp.bat config wr_user <username>
     tsp.bat config wr_pass <password>
  2. Configure the SAML certification fingerprint for each of the enrollment tags that you want the TSP to recognize for SAML authorization.
    tsp.bat saml_cert set "<enrollment tag>" "<saml certificate file or fingerprint>"
  3. The fingerprint can be found by using the OpenSSL tool:
    openssl x509 -in your-cert.pem -fingerprint -sha1
    Note: The fingerprint entered here exactly must match the one entered during SAML configuration.