Blocking computers from registration

Console operators can use the Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard to prevent users from registering computers in the Self Service Portal. Use this procedure if you are a console operator and want to block a user from registering a computer in the Self Service Portal.

About this task

Use the Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard to add either computers or users to the blocked list. For more information about the dashboard, see Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard.


  1. From the Systems Lifecycle domain, click Software Distribution > Self Service Portal Registration Management.
  2. You can block computers either by adding users to the listed computers or by adding computers to the listed users.
    To block a computer from being added to a user:
    1. Click the List by Users tab.
    2. Click the corresponding computers link from the Blocked column.
    3. Select the computer name from the down-down list.
    4. Click Block Computer.
    To block a user from being added to a computer:
    1. Click the List by Computers tab.
    2. Click the corresponding users link from the Blocked column.
    3. Enter the user name of the endpoint user that you want to add to the computer.
    4. Click Block User.
  3. Click OK to confirm.


The action might take a few minutes to complete. The dashboard shows the updates only when the action is complete. When the action completes, the computer or user that you added is shown in the dashboard.
Note: You can also remove computers or users from the blocked list by clicking a corresponding link from the Blocked column, and then clicking Remove Computer or Remove User.
Information about blocked users and computers are stored in the following locations:
Windows computers
Mac and Linux computers