Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard

Console operators must use this dashboard mainly to remove registered computers and to prevent endpoint users from registering certain computers in the Self Service Portal.

The Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard supports computers that are on the following operating systems:
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux
  • AIX
  • Solaris

Operators can use the dashboard also to register computers to endpoint users to allow them to install software from the Self Service Portal. However, endpoint users are expected to complete computer registration from the portal.

Dashboard location

You can access this dashboard from the Software Distribution navigation tree of the Systems Lifecycle domain.
Figure 1: The Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard from the navigation tree.

The Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard from the navigation tree

Registration and blocking

The registration or blocking method that you might want to use depends on the list view. The dashboard provides the following viewing options:
List By Users
Use this view to add computers to the registration or blocked list.
List By Computers
Use this view to add users to the registration or blocked list.
Figure 2: Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard

Self Service Portal Registration Management dashboard
For more information about:

Removal of registered computers or users

To easily locate for the computer or user from the list, search or sort by the computer name or user name.

You can remove a computer or a user from registration in the following ways:
Remove the computer or user from the registration list
When removed, endpoint users are able to self-register the computer again from the Self Service Portal.
Adding the computer or user to the blocked list
The blocked computer is removed from the list of registered computers that is displayed in the Self Service Portal. By adding the computer or user to the blocked list, endpoint users are unable to self-register the computer again.