Enrollment tag configuration

If you manage more than one server, you must specify an enrollment tag to differentiate it from the others. Using an enrollment tag enables a multi-tenant environment that allows BigFix console operators to target specific computers according to the server that manages them.

Adding an enrollment tag

Adding an enrollment tag is equivalent to adding a customer or tenant to this extender.

This process requires specifying three values: the tag ID, the URL tag, and the organization name tag display name.
ssp.bat tag_init <tag id> <url tag> <organization name>

The tag ID value is the value that is meaningful to your organization, and is the value that the computer reports as its 'enrollment tag'.

The URL tag corresponds to the enrollment URL that maps to this tag.
ssp.bat tag_init "12" "foo" "Foo, Inc"
ssp.bat tag_init "24" "swd" "SWD Corporation"

The previous example creates two tags with IDs "12" and "24", which are mapped to by external URLs /ssp/c/foo and /ssp/c/swd.

These tags are responsible for the following actions:
  • Creates a directory MDM Provider\tags\<tag id> to store tag-specific files.
  • Configures the main config.yaml to be aware of the new enrollment tag.
Note: The Enrollment Tags created here must match the Enrollment Tags created on the Management Extender when you set up the Extender for Multi-tenancy.

Various enrollment tag-specific URLs

The URL tag is the means by which the enrollment server decides which management extender configuration is assumed.

Removing an enrollment tag

To remove an enrollment tag, run the following command:
ssp.bat tag_remove <tag id>
Note: This command deletes the specified tag's folder under the tags directory and removes its configuration.