Create New Entity for Mention

Steps to create a new entity for mention are as follows:

  1. Enter the new entity name in textbox present in the pop up, user wants to add mention in.
  1. An option is shown below of ‘@ create a new entity’.
    Figure 1. Figure 305: Type an entity name, to create a new entity
    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated
    1. Click on ‘@ create new entity’ after adding value in the given textbox.
  1. Once the user does that, the following things occur:
    • A new entity is created with name entered in textbox
    • The selected words are added as entity value
    • The selected words are then added as mentioned.
  1. A pop up appears once the steps are successful, showing a context entity is added, as shown in the below image:
Figure 2. Figure 306: Contextual Entities Added - Success Message
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated