
The validations that are done on adding a mention are as follows:

  • Annotate Twice: Once a word has been annotated, the word cannot be part of another annotation in the same variation. If tried, a pop up appears as below:
Figure 1. Figure 313: Annotate Twice
Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

As soon as we the pop up is closed, the highlighted words get non-highlighted.

The user:

  • Cannot create the duplicate entity by create a new entity.
  • Cannot create a duplicate value in the same entity, even if the variations chosen are different and selected words are same.
  • The user can select more than one word to annotate in the same variation, but only one mention is created at one time.
  • If the user selects two different words in the same variation, then all the words present between them will also be highlighted and will be a part of the annotation.
  • The user can remove the highlighted part (before adding it as annotate entity) by again selecting that word but removing of highlighted word will start from the end word or start word only, not from the middle.