
  1. Adaptive Card – Properties:
  • Version: It is the schema version of the card. It is not a required field and of string type.
  • Body: It comprises of card elements which we need to show in the primary card region. Allowed values are - ActionSet, ColumnSet, Container, FactSet, Image, ImageSet, Input.ChoiceSet, Input.Date, Input.Number, Input.Text, Input.Time, Input.Toggle, Media, RichTextBlock, Table and TextBlock.
  • Actions: It comprises of the actions to show in the card’s action bar.
  • Allowed values are – Action.Execute, Action.OpenUrl, Action.ShowCard, Action.Submit and Action.ToggleVisibility.
  • minHeight: It specifies the minimum height of the card. It is not a required field and is of type string.
  • $schema: It defines the adaptive card schema. It is of type Uri and not a required field.
  1. Example Code:
    Figure 1. Figure 357 – Example Code (Adaptive Cards)
    Text Description automatically generated
  2. Teams UI Cards Example:
Figure 2. Figure 358 – Teams UI Cards Example
Text Description automatically generated with low confidence