Card Elements:

  1. TextBlock – Properties:
  • Text: It defines the text which is to be displayed. It is of type string and is a required field.
  • Color: It controls the color of the TextBlock elements. Allowed values are default, dark, light, accent, good, warning and attention.
  • Font Type: It specifies the type of fonts to use for rendering. It is not a required value. Allowed values are default and monospace.
  • Horizontal Alignment: It controls the horizontal text alignment. If not specified, the value of horizontal Alignment is inherited from the parent container. If no parent container has horizontal Alignment set, it defaults to left. It is not a required value and allowed values are left, center and right.
  • maxLines: It specifies the maximum number of lines to display. It is of type number and not a required field.
  • Size: It controls the size of the text. It is not a required value and allowed values are default, small, medium, large, and extra-large.
  • Wrap: It wraps the text if its value is set to true, if not then the text is clipped.
  • Height: Specifies the height of an element. It is not a required value. Allowed values are auto and stretch.
  • Separator: When true, it will draw a separating line at the top of an element. It is not a required field and is of type Boolean.
  • Spacing: Controls the amount of spacing between this element and the preceding element. It is not a required value. Allowed values are default, none, small, medium, large, extra-large, and padding.
  1. Example Code:
    Figure 1. Figure 359 – Example Code (TextBlock)
    Text Description automatically generated
  2. Teams UI TextBlock Example:
    Figure 2. Figure 360  Teams UI TextBlcok Example
    Graphical user interface, application, Teams Description automatically generated
    1. Image – Properties:
    • URL: It consist of URL of the image. It is of type Uri and is a required value.
    • Alt Text: It will display the alternate text to display if image is not present. It is of type string and not a required value.
    • Background Color: It will apply a background to a transparent image. It is of type string and not a required value.
    • Height: It will specify the height of the image. It is not a required value. Default value is auto and allowed values are string, auto and stretch.
    • Horizontal Alignment: It will control how the element is horizontally positioned within its parent. When not specified, the value of horizontalAlignment is inherited from the parent container. If no parent container has horizontalAlignment set, it defaults to left. Allowed values are left, center and right.
    • Size: It will control the size of the image. Allowed values are auto, stretch, small, medium, and large.
    • Style: It will control how the image is displayed. Allowed values are default and person.
    • Width: It will control the desired on-screen width of the image, if defined in pixel it will overrides the size property. It is not a required field.
    • Separator: If specified true, it will draw a separating line at the top of the element.
    • Spacing: It will control amount of spacing between the elements. It is not a required value. Allowed values are default, none, small, medium, large, extra-large, and padding.
  1. Example:
Figure 3. Figure 361 – Example Code (Image)
Text Description automatically generated