Environment Planning

Before starting the installation of BigFix Runbook AI, it is important to plan the deployment environment based on the environment categorization table. The installation requires different components to be installed on specific servers based on the environment size and availability requirements.

Before preparing the deployment environment, see the environment categorization table and plan accordingly. Environments are classified in three categories based on the parameters listed below:

Table 1. Table 2 - Environment Categorization
Environment Indicator Number of Tickets (per month) Number of Unique Tickets (per month) Number of Documents Processed Number of Search Queries (per month) Concurrent Executions Data Retention
Small Less than 30,000 Less than 500 Less than 1,000 Less than 5,000 up to 100 6 months
Medium 30,000 to 60,000 500 to 1,000 1,000 to 3,000 5,000 to 10,000 up to 200 6 months
Large 60,000 to 1,50,000 1,000 to 3,000 3,000 to 5,000 10,000 to 30,000 up to 400 6 months

Data Retention is only applicable for ticket data.

Search Queries and Document Process is only applicable when iKnowledge module is installed.

Concurrent Executions have been arrived at based on the limitation of the RBA tool for runbook executions and the ITSM tool for pushing tickets into BigFix Runbook AI.

BigFix Runbook AI Components

BigFix Runbook AI follows a multi-tier architecture and includes the following components:

Web Components- This includes the user interface that enables the configuration, management, and quick resolution of tickets.

Service Components - It is divided into two categories:

  • Application Components- This includes essential services that work together to achieve the core functionality of BigFix Runbook AI.
  • Advanced AI Components- This includes features like Solution Creation; Natural Language Processing (NLP) based assisted services, and so on.

The following table lists the components available on different servers.

Before starting the installation, identify the components that user needs to install based on the requirement. Also, the user needs to identify the deployment mode from the below list based on the Environment categorization identified earlier.

Deployment Identification Mode

BigFix Runbook AI can be installed in the following deployment modes using the installer.

Minimal Deployment Mode

In this mode, the following BigFix Runbook AI servers are deployed:

Web and Application Server : This server hosts the Web UI and the application components.

Advanced AI Server, MongoDB and Solr: This server hosts iScrape, iKnowledge, and Advanced iKnowledge components along with the Document Storage (MongoDB) and Indexer (Solr).

Database Server: This server hosts the SQL Server database, which is the main transactional database of BigFix Runbook AI.

The following table describes the hardware and software requirements for this installation.

Table 2. Table 3 - Minimal Deployment
Server Component Sub-Components Database Requirement Recommended Hardware Configuration Minimum RAM Requirement for BigFix Runbook AI Software Requirements Storage (Local)
Web Server + Application Server Web Component
  • Web UI
  • Web API
  • KRS
NA One Virtual Server with 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Application Component – Microsoft Dot Net
  • Data Collector
  • RBA Executor
  • Generic Executor
  • Release
  • Generic Listener
  • AD Sync
  • Email Service
Application Component - Python
  • iParse
  • iUnique
  • iRecommend
Advanced AI Server + MongoDB + Solr Advanced AI Component - Python
  • iScrape
  • iKnowledge
  • Advanced Knowledge
  • Knowledge Rating
NA One Virtual Server with 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016,2019, 64-bit Mongo DB + Solr 100 GB
Document Storage MongoDB NA
Indexer Solr NA
Database Server Database Transactional Database Microsoft SQL Server 2016 - Standard Edition One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM Not Applicable Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB

The installer needs to be run on individual servers that include Web Component, Base Component, and Advance AI Component server. If Advanced AI components like iKnowledge, Advanced Knowledge and iScrape are not required, only Web Server, Application Server and Database server will be required.

Alternate Database options:

1. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)

2. GCP SQL Server 2017 PaaS service

For Document storage, MongoDB as a service can be used from AWS and GCP marketplace

Small Environment without High Availability (HA)

In this mode, the following BigFix Runbook AI servers are deployed:

Web and Application Server : This server hosts the Web UI and the Application components.

Advanced AI Server: This server hosts iScrape, iKnowledge, and Advanced iKnowledge components.

Database Server: This server hosts the SQL Server database, which is the main transactional database of BigFix Runbook AI.

MongoDB and Solr: This server hosts the Document Storage (MongoDB) and Indexer (Solr).

The following table describes the hardware and software requirements for this installation.

Table 3. Table 4 - Small Environment without High Availability (HA)
Server Component Sub-Components Database Requirement Recommended Hardware Configuration Minimum RAM Requirement for BigFix Runbook AI Software Requirements Storage (Local)
Web Server + Application Server Web Component
  • Web UI
  • Web API
  • KRS
NA One Virtual Server with 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Application Component – Microsoft Dot Net
  • Data Collector
  • RBA Executor
  • Generic Executor
  • Release
  • Generic Listener
  • AD Sync
  • Email Service
Application Component - Python
  • iParse
  • iUnique
  • iRecommend
Advanced AI Server Advanced AI Component - Python
  • iScrape
  • iKnowledge
  • Advanced Knowledge
  • Knowledge Rating
NA One Virtual Server with 2vCPU, 4 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 50 GB
Database Server Database Transactional Database Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2019 Standard Edition One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM NA Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
MongoDB and Solr Document Storage MongoDB NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 2 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Indexer Solr NA

The installer needs to be run on individual servers that include Web Component, Base Component, and Advance AI Component server. In case Advanced AI components like iKnowledge, Advanced Knowledge and iScrape are not required, only Web Server, Application Server and Database server will be required.

- Alternate Database options

1. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)

2. GCP SQL Server 2017 PaaS service

- For Document storage, MongoDB as a service can be used from AWS and GCP marketplace

Medium Environment without High Availability (HA)

In this mode, the following BigFix Runbook AI servers are deployed:

Web Server: This server hosts the Web User Interface.

Application Server : This server hosts the Application components.

Advanced AI Server: This server hosts iScrape, iKnowledge, and Advanced iKnowledge components.

Database Server: This server hosts the SQL Server database, which is the main transactional database of BigFix Runbook AI.

MongoDB and Solr: This server hosts the Document Storage (MongoDB) and Indexer (Solr).

The following table describes the hardware and software requirements for this installation.

Table 4. Table 5 - Medium Environment without HA
Server Component Sub-Components Database Requirement Recommended Hardware Configuration Minimum RAM Requirement for BigFix Runbook AI Software Requirements Storage (Local)
Web Server Web Component
  • Web UI
  • Web API
  • KRS
NA One Virtual Server with 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 50 GB
Application Server Application Component – Microsoft Dot Net
  • Data Collector
  • RBA Executor
  • Generic Executor
  • Release
  • Generic Listener
  • AD Sync
  • Email Service
NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Application Component - Python
  • iParse
  • iUnique
  • iRecommend
Advanced AI Server Advanced AI Component - Python
  • iScrape
  • iKnowledge
  • Advanced Knowledge
  • Knowledge Rating
NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Database Server Database Transactional Database Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2019 - Standard Edition One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM NA Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 300 GB
MongoDB and Solr Document Storage MongoDB NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Indexer Solr NA

The installer needs to be run on individual servers that include Web Component, Base Component, and Advance AI Component server. If Advanced AI components like iKnowledge, Advanced Knowledge and iScrape are not required, only Web Server, Application Server and Database server will be required.

- Alternate Database options

1. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)

2. GCP SQL Server 2017 PaaS service

- For Document storage, MongoDB as a service can be used from AWS and GCP marketplace

Large Environment without High Availability (HA)

In this mode, the following BigFix Runbook AI servers are deployed:

Web Server: This server hosts the Web User Interface.

Application Server : This server hosts the Application components.

Advanced AI Server: This server hosts iScrape, iKnowledge, and Advanced iKnowledge components.

Database Server: This server hosts the SQL Server database, which is the main transactional database of BigFix Runbook AI.

MongoDB and Solr: This server hosts the Document Storage (MongoDB) and Indexer (Solr).

The following table describes the hardware and software requirements for this installation.

Table 5. Table 6 - Large Environment without HA
Server Component Sub-Components Database Requirement Recommended Hardware Configuration Minimum RAM Requirement for BigFix Runbook AI Software Requirements Storage (Local)
Web Server Web Component
  • Web UI
  • Web API
  • KRS
NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Application Server Application Component - Microsoft Dot Net
  • Data Collector
  • RBA Executor
  • Generic Executor
  • Release
  • Generic Listener
  • AD Sync
  • Email Service
NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Application Component - Python
  • iParse
  • iUnique
  • iRecommend
Advanced AI Server Advanced AI Component - Python
  • iScrape
  • iKnowledge
  • Advanced Knowledge
  • Knowledge Rating
NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB
Database Server Database Transactional Database Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2019 - Standard Edition One Virtual Server with 8vCPU, 16 GB RAM NA Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 500 GB
MongoDB and Solr Document Storage MongoDB NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 150 GB
Indexer Solr NA

The installer needs to be run on individual servers that include Web Component, Base Component, and Advance AI Component server. If Advanced AI components like iKnowledge, Advanced Knowledge and iScrape are not required, only Web Server, Application Server and Database server will be required.

Alternate Database options:

1. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)

2. GCP SQL Server 2017 PaaS service

For Document storage, MongoDB as a service can be used from AWS and GCP marketplace

Small Environment with High Availability (HA)

In this mode, the following BigFix Runbook AI servers are deployed:

Web and Application Server : This server hosts the Web UI and the Application components

Advanced AI Server: This server hosts iScrape, iKnowledge, and Advanced iKnowledge components

Database Server: This server hosts the SQL Server database, which is the main transactional database of BigFix Runbook AI

MongoDB : This server hosts the Document Storage Database (MongoDB)

Solr: This server hosts the Indexer (Solr)

The following table describes the hardware and software requirements for this installation.

Table 6. Table 7 - Small Environment with HA
Server Component Sub-Components Database Requirement Recommended Hardware Configuration Minimum RAM Requirement for BigFix Runbook AI Software Requirements Storage

Web Server

+ Application Server

Web Component
  • Web UI
  • Web API
  • KRS
NA Two Virtual Servers with 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 50 GB (Additional D: Drive) and 50GB shared storage (SAN / File Folder)
Application Component – Microsoft Dot Net
  • Data Collector
  • RBA Executor
  • Generic Executor
  • Release
  • Generic Listener
  • AD Sync
  • Email Service
Application Component - Python
  • iParse
  • iUnique
  • iRecommend
Advanced AI Server Advanced AI Component - Python
  • iScrape
  • iKnowledge
  • Advanced Knowledge
  • Knowledge Rating
NA Two Virtual Servers with 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 50 GB (Additional D: Drive) and 50GB shared storage (SAN / File Folder)
Database Server* Database Transactional Database Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2019 - Standard Edition Two Virtual Servers with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM Not Applicable Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit

100 GB Shared storage

(SAN / File Folder)

MongoDB** Document Storage MongoDB NA One Virtual Server with 2vCPU, 4 GB RAM 2 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 50 GB (Additional D: Drive)
Solr*** Indexer Solr NA One Virtual Server with 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 50 GB (Additional D: Drive)

The installer needs to be run on individual servers that include Web Component, Base Component, and Advance AI Component server. If Advanced AI components like iKnowledge, Advanced Knowledge and iScrape are not required, only Web Server, Application Server and Database server will be required.

- Alternate Database options

1. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)

2. GCP SQL Server 2017 PaaS service

- For Document Storage, if *MongoDB has to be made available in HA, then 3 servers will have to be provided as per the best practices. Alternately, MongoDB as a service can be used from AWS and GCP marketplace

- For Indexer, if Solr has to be made available in HA, then 5 servers will have to be provided as per the best practices

Medium Environment with High Availability (HA)

In this mode, the following BigFix Runbook AI servers are deployed:

Web Server: This server hosts the Web User Interface

Application Server : This server hosts the Application components

Advanced AI Server: This server hosts iScrape, iKnowledge, and Advanced iKnowledge components

Database Server: This server hosts the SQL Server database, which is the main transactional database of BigFix Runbook AI

MongoDB : This server hosts the Document Storage Database (MongoDB).

Solr: This server hosts the Indexer (Solr)

The following table describes the hardware and software requirements for this installation.

Table 7. Table 8 - Medium Environment with HA
Server Component Sub-Components Database Requirement Recommended Hardware Configuration Minimum RAM Requirement for BigFix Runbook AI Software Requirements Storage
Web Server Web Component
  • Web UI
  • Web API
  • KRS
NA Two Virtual Servers with 2vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit

50 GB (Additional D: Drive) and 50GB shared storage

(SAN / File Folder)

Application Server Application Component – Microsoft Dot Net
  • Data Collector
  • RBA Executor
  • Generic Executor
  • Release
  • Generic Listener
  • AD Sync
  • Email Service
NA Two Virtual Servers with 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit

100 GB (Additional D: Drive) and 50GB shared storage

(SAN / File Folder)

Application Component - Python
  • iParse
  • iUnique
  • iRecommend
Advanced AI Server Advanced AI Component - Python
  • iScrape
  • iKnowledge
  • Advanced Knowledge
  • Knowledge Rating
NA Two Virtual Servers with 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB (Additional D: Drive) and 50GB shared storage (SAN / File Folder)
Database Server* Database Transactional Database Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2019 - Standard Edition Two Virtual Servers with 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM Not Applicable Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019 64-bit 300 GB shared storage (SAN / File Folder)
MongoDB** Document Storage MongoDB NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 64-bit 100 GB (Additional D: Drive)
Solr*** Indexer Solr NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019 64-bit 100 GB (Additional D: Drive)

The installer needs to be run on individual servers that include Web Component, Base Component, and Advance AI Component server. If Advanced AI components like iKnowledge, Advanced Knowledge and iScrape are not required, only Web Server, Application Server and Database server will be required.

- Alternate Database options

1. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)

2. GCP SQL Server 2017 PaaS service

- For Document Storage, if *MongoDB has to be made available in HA, then 3 servers will have to be provided as per the best practices. Alternately, MongoDB as a service can be used from AWS and GCP marketplace

- For Indexer, if Solr has to be made available in HA, then 5 servers will have to be provided as per the best practices

Large Environment with High Availability (HA)

In this mode, the following BigFix Runbook AI servers are deployed:

Web Server: This server hosts the Web User Interface

Application Server : This server hosts the Application components

Advanced AI Server: This server hosts iScrape, iKnowledge, and Advanced iKnowledge components

Database Server: This server hosts the SQL Server database, which is the main transactional database of BigFix Runbook AI

MongoDB : This server hosts the Document Storage Database (MongoDB).

Solr: This server hosts the Indexer (Solr)

The following table describes the hardware and software requirements for this installation.

Table 8. Table 9 - Large Environment with HA
Server Component Sub-Components Database Requirement Recommended Hardware Configuration Minimum RAM Requirement for BigFix Runbook AI Software Requirements Storage
Web Server Web Component
  • Web UI
  • Web API
  • KRS
NA Two Virtual Servers with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB (Additional D: Drive) and 50 GB shared storage (SAN / File Folder)
Application Server Application Component – Microsoft Dot Net
  • Data Collector
  • RBA Executor
  • Generic Executor
  • Release
  • Generic Listener
  • AD Sync
  • Email Service
NA Two Virtual Servers with 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB (Additional D: Drive) and 50 GB shared storage (SAN / File Folder)
Application Component - Python
  • iParse
  • iUnique
  • iRecommend
Advanced AI Server Advanced AI Component - Python
  • iScrape
  • iKnowledge
  • Advanced Knowledge
  • Knowledge Rating
NA Two Virtual Servers with 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019, 64-bit 100 GB (Additional D: Drive) and 50 GB shared storage (SAN / File Folder)
Database Server* Database Transactional Database Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2019 - Standard Edition Two Virtual Servers with 8vCPU, 16 GB RAM Not Applicable Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019 64-bit 500 GB shared storage (SAN / File Folder)
MongoDB** Document Storage MongoDB NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 8 GB RAM 4 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 64-bit 150 GB (Additional D: Drive)
Solr*** Indexer Solr NA One Virtual Server with 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Operating System - Windows Server 2016, 2019 64-bit 150 GB (Additional D: Drive)

The installer needs to be run on individual servers that include Web Component, Base Component, and Advance AI Component server. If Advanced AI components like iKnowledge, Advanced Knowledge and iScrape are not required, only Web Server, Application Server and Database server will be required.

- Alternate Database options

1. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)

2. GCP SQL Server 2017 PaaS service

- For Document Storage, if *MongoDB has to be made available in HA, then 3 servers will have to be provided as per the best practices. Alternately, MongoDB as a service can be used from AWS and GCP marketplace

- For Indexer, if Solr has to be made available in HA, then 5 servers will have to be provided as per the best practices.

Component Installation Prerequisites

Prior to running the installer, complete all procedures as described in Environment Planning and ensure that all the software prerequisites for the BigFix Runbook AI component installation are met.

The following table describes the software requirements to install the components.

Table 9. Table 10 - Component Installation Prerequisites
Server Component Sub-Components Software Requirements
Web Server Web Component
  • Web UI
  • Web API
  • KRS

IIS 10.0 or above

Dot Net Framework 4.8.x

Microsoft ACE OLEDB 12.0

Application Server Application Component – Microsoft Dot Net
  • Data Collector
  • RBA Executor
  • Generic Executor
  • Release
  • Generic Listener
  • AD Sync
  • Email Service

Dot Net Framework 4.8.x

Python 3.8.10 64-bit

NLTK 3.8.1

Apache Server 2.4

  • VC++ 2015 64-bit Redistributable package
Application Component - Python
  • iParse
  • iUnique
  • iRecommend
Advanced AI Server Advanced AI Component - Python
  • iScrape
  • iKnowledge
  • Advanced Knowledge
  • Knowledge Rating

Python 3.8.10 64-bit

NLTK 3.8.1

Apache Server 2.4

VC++ 2015 64-bit Redistributable package

Oracle Distribution of Java JDK 1.8.x (Required only for Solr installation)


Spacy 3.1.2

  • Google Chrome Browser
Database Server Database Transactional Database MS SQL 2016 (+) Enterprise / Standard edition 64 bit
MongoDB Document Storage MongoDB MongoDB 4.0
Solr Indexer Solr SOLR 8.5.0
Certificates (applicable for all tiers) SSL Certificates