
The data contained in this document shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose. If a contract is awarded to chosen parties because of or in connection with the submission of this data, the client or prospective client shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose this data to the extent provided in the contract. This restriction does not limit the client’s or prospective client’s right to use the information contained in the data if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction is contained in all marked sheets.

HCL has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the HCL website at

Figure 1 - Alert message of incorrect zip 8

Figure 2 – Incorrect ZIP 8

Figure 3 – SOP HTML Editor 9

Figure 4 - Unable to Load images in SOP Generator 10

Figure 5 - Multi-factor Authentication 11

Figure 6 - Disable MFA Console 11

Figure 7 - Sign-in via SSO 11

Figure 8 - Sign-in via SSO 12

Figure 9 – Connection Error 13

Figure 10 – Channels Unavailable 14

Figure 11 - Enable/Disable Channel 14

Figure 12  Login Issue with Windows Hello 18

Table 1 - Conventions 7

Table 2 – Scenario 1 8

Table 3 – Scenario 2 9

Table 4 - Scenario 3 9

Table 5 - Scenario 4 9

Table 6 - Scenario 5 10

Table 7 - Scenario 6 10

Table 8 - Scenario 7 11

Table 9 - Scenario 8 12

Table 10 - Scenario 9 12

Table 11 - Scenario 10 12

Table 12 - Scenario 11 13

Table 13 - Scenario 12 13

Table 14 - Scenario 13 14

Table 15 - Scenario 13 14

Table 16 - Scenario 14 15

Table 17 - Scenario 15 15

Table 18 - Scenario 16 15

Table 19 - Scenario 17 15

Table 20 - Scenario 18 15

Table 21 - Scenario 19 16

Table 22 - Scenario 20 16

Table 23 - Scenario 21 16

Table 24 - Scenario 22 16

Table 25 - Scenario 23 17

Table 26 - Scenario 24 17

Table 27 - Scenario 25 17

Table 28 - Scenario 26 17

Table 29 - Scenario 27 17

Table 30 - Scenario 28 17

Table 31 - Scenario 29 18

Table 32 - Scenario 29 18