Sample Plan: IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Standalone - OS patching

This sample plan automates operating system patching for stand-alone WebSphere® Application Server 8.0, 8.5, or 8.5.5. nodes. The plan is designed to automate operating system patching for two stand-alone WebSphere® Application Server nodes. The automation is executed in two phases, one for each node. For steps 1 to 4, the first node is patched. These steps are then replicated in steps 5 to 8 on the second node. For each phase in the automation, replace the placeholder steps, replacing them with a Fixlet, Task or Baseline to patch the operating system. All sample plans are read-only. To use a sample plan, you must copy it, re-name it, and then update the placeholder Fixlets with Fixlets, Tasks, or Baselines as per your requirements.

About this task

This sample plan demonstrates how you can automate patching of Microsoft® Windows® for two stand-alone WebSphere® Application Server nodes. The patching process comprises two phases, one for each node. You can modify the copied plan for a different number of nodes. For example, if you want the plan to automate patching of Microsoft® Windows® for three nodes, you would add 4 more steps, replicas of steps 1 to 4 for the third stand-alone node.

Each phase in the patching process completes the following actions:
  • Saves the server running state for all WebSphere® Application Server profiles and stops WebSphere® Application Server
  • Runs patch Fixlets, Tasks, or Baselines to patch the Microsoft® Windows® operating system - you must replace the placeholder as per your requirements
  • Restarts the endpoints
  • Resumes WebSphere® Application Server based on the saved states from the first step

Complete the following steps to use this sample Automation Plan.


  1. Open the Server Automation domain.
  2. From the navigation tree in the Domain Panel, click Automation Plans.
  3. In the Automation Plans dashboard, enter 552 for the plan ID to search for the sample plan and press Enter.
  4. Select the sample plan from the list of Automation Plans. Click Copy to copy the Automation Plan, enter a name and then save the copy that you have just created.
  5. To run the copied Automation Plan, click Take Action.
  6. For steps 1 to 4, target the first node. You can use the Use same target as step option as necessary. You must replace the placeholder Fixlet with a Fixlet, Task or Baseline that you want to use to patch the Microsoft® Windows® operating system.
  7. For steps 5 to 8, target the second node. You can use the Use same target as step option as necessary. You must also replace the placeholder Fixlet with a Fixlet, Task or Baseline that you want to use to patch the Microsoft® Windows® operating system.