Add Metadata: Manual Method

Adding icon, version, and file size information (metadata) to software packages is typically done using the BigFix WebUI. You can also insert this information directly into a Fixlet with a text editor. This method may be useful to customers who are not using the WebUI, or who have created content using the BigFix Software Distribution Dashboard, which does not provide a method for including this metadata.

To add software package metadata manually:

  1. In the BigFix console, right-click the Fixlet you want to add metadata to and select Export.
  2. Open the resulting .BES file with a text editor.
  3. Add the following four lines to the Fixlet’s XML, substituting your own values for <version>, <size>, and <icon>. The values are optional: specify one, two, or all three. A completed example appears at the end of the procedure.
                <Value>{"version": "<version>", "size": "<size>", "icon": "<icon>"}</Value>

    If you are including an icon:

    1. Convert the icon to Base64 encoding using the utility of your choice. For the best performance, limit the icon file size to 10Kb.
    2. Substitute the icon’s Base64-encoded value for the <icon> variable. Make sure the value starts with 'data:image/<type>;base64,' where <type> is the file type (png, or bmp).
  4. Import the updated .BES file back to the BigFix Console.
                <Value>{"version": "45.3.0", "size": " 41943040", "icon": "data:image/png;base64,