Start a server initiated remote control session

To start a remote control session initiated from the Remote Control server UI, the server component must be installed and running. For more information about creating and running server installation configurations tasks, see Creating Remote Control server installation tasks.
Note: The server can be installed also by using the installation files. For more information, see the BigFix® Remote Control Installation Guide.
After the server component is installed, use the BigFix® Remote Control Controller User's Guide for details about how to access and log on to the server UI. Remote control sessions that are initiated from the Remote Control server require permissions links to be set up. The links are made between the groups that the controller user and the target are members of. These permissions links determine what policies are effective for the session. For information about creating user and target groups, creating permissions links, and how policies are resolved for a remote control session, see the BigFix® Remote Control Administrator's Guide.

After you install the server and create the relevant groups and permissions links, you can start a remote control session by using the Remote Control server UI. For more information, see the BigFix® Remote Control Controller User's Guide.