Installing All-in-One on Linux in silent mode

To install all components of License Metric Tool by using the All-in-One installer in silent mode, edit parameters in the install_response.txt file, and run the installation command.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the /home directory is a regular directory with write permissions to allow for the DB2 installation. The use of an automounted directory is not supported.
  • The use of sudo is not supported.


  1. Authorize the All-in-One installation with a set of license files. If the computer on which you are running the installation has the Internet access, the license files are created during the installation. If the computer does not have the Internet access, or if for some other reason you cannot create the license files during the installation, run a license generator and create license files in offline mode.
    Note: If you decide to create license files in offline mode on a computer that has the access to Internet, make sure that you continue the installation in the same command session.
  2. Go to the directory with the installation package, and extract the installation files.
    tar xvf installation_package
  3. Read the license agreement in the licenses/LA_language/license.txt file.
  4. Edit the install_response.txt file and adjust it to your installation.
    Ensure that you uncomment and specify the values of the following parameters:


    Tip: Avoid using admin, administrator, root or a similar name for the administrative account. Such an account might be prone to hacker attacks and locked out if an attacker exceeds the specified number of failed login attempts. For more information, about the account lockout, see: Configuring user account lockout.

    RSP_IEM_LICENSE_FILES_DIR (this parameter is optional for online installation)

    The following parameters are required to create license files and are mandatory only when the computer on which you are installing License Metric Tool has Internet access:


  5. Change to the directory with installation files. To start the installation, run the following command. -f response_file_path -i silent
    Where response_file_path is the absolute path to the response file that you are using. For example: -f /tmp/images/install_response.txt -i silent
    Tip: Use the -h option to view help information about using the script, for example: -h.
  6. To access the License Metric Tool user interface, open a browser and go to https://host_name:port, where host_name is the host name of the computer where the License Metric Tool server is installed, and port is the port that you specified during the installation.
  7. To start the initial import, click Import Now.


After you run the initial import, software and capacity scans are automatically scheduled on the computers in your infrastructure according to the default scan configuration. Data that they collect should be displayed on the License Metric Tool reports. However, the newly set-up environment needs time to finish the scans and to upload their results to the server. If the reports do not contain any data after the first import, wait about an hour until the scans are completed. Then, run another import.

What to do next

Install the BigFix console.