Specifying global options with APPSCAN_OPTS

Set the APPSCAN_OPTS environment variable to specify global options before running a scan. Global options can be specified before scanning when using AppScan Go!, Static Analyzer Command Line Utility, IDEs, and plugins.

When using APPSCAN_OPTS, the option name must be preceded by -D. In addition, on Linux systems, you must surround the value with double-quotes:

  • Windows
    set APPSCAN_OPTS=<option>[=<value>]
  • Linux
    export APPSCAN_OPTS="<option>[=<value>]"

For example, to use the option ENABLE_SECRETS:

  • Windows
  • Linux

Available options for use with APPSCAN_OPTS are:

Option Description Values Default
Java parallel processing options
USE_SLICER Enable Java parallel processing True/False True
DISABLE_CACHE Prevents use of the cache, thus forcing a re-run of the IR generation process on each class file even if there is a cache entry.
IRX_MINOR_CACHE_HOME Specifies the location of the file cache. Windows mapped and UNC drives, Linux mounts, or a local target. <user home directory>/.appscan/irx_cache
Options for configuring analysis
NO_CONFIG_FILES Disables the processing of configuration files.
OPENSOURCE_ONLY Gather open source (SCA) information during IRX generation only.
SOURCECODE_ONLY Scan source code files, ignoring other supported file types (.dll, .exe, .jar, .sln, and so on) only.