Single server

When a single Canister server is selected, the following report is displayed.

Some key fields are described below.

Note: You can create alerts to trigger based on the values for some of these metrics. See "Manage Events - Alerts Tab" in the Unica Discover Event Manager Manual.

Session Activity

Statistics on session-related activities.

Last Update Time Stamp
Last time that the Canister was queried for statistical data
Statistic Calculation Time
Time in seconds required to compute Canister statistics
Last Update Delta
Time in seconds between last update and delivery of statistics to the Portal.
Session Timeout
Currently configured session timeout setting in seconds for the Canister.
  • Session timeout can be overridden by event for individual settings. See "Manage Events - Events Tab" in the Unica Discover Event Manager Manual.
  • For more information on setting the default session timeout, see "Configuring the Canister" in the Unica Discover Configuration Manual.

Sessions and Events

Counts of sessions and events in the Canister.

Total Sessions (STC)
Number of sessions in the Short Term Canister at last update.
Total Sessions (LTC)
Number of sessions in the Long Term Canister at last update.
Active Sessions (STC)
Number of active sessions in the Short Term Canister at last update.
Closed Sessions (STC)
Number of closed sessions in the Short Term Canister at last update.
Sessions waiting evaluation (STC)
Number of sessions waiting for evaluation in the Short Term Canister.
Sessions waiting for timeout (STC)
Number of sessions in the Long Term Canister that have not been updated recently and are waiting for the Session Timeout to be reached, when they will be closed.
Sessions waiting for archive to disk
Number of sessions waiting to be written to disk for indexing.
Un-indexed sessions
Number of saved sessions that have not yet been indexed.
Evaluated Hits
Number of hits in the STC that have been evaluated since prior update.
Non Evaluated Hits
Number of hits in the STC that have been not been evaluated since prior update.
DVAL Record Count
Count of records in the DVAL database table, which stores dimension values.
EBUS Record Count
Count of records in the EBUS database table, which stores events queued for the Discover Event Bus.
  • The Event Bus is a component of Unica Discover Data Export, a separately licensable product of the Unica Discover platform. See "Discover Event Bus" in the Unica Discover Data Export for Data Analysis Administration Manual.
NALT Record Count
Count of records in the NALT database table, which stores alert data records.
PATH Record Count
Count of records in the PATH database table, which stores captured path information.
FACT Record Count
Count of records in the FACT database table, which stores fact instance data (event + event value + dimension value).
AGG Record Count
Count of records in the AGG database table, which stores aggregation data.
AGKEY Record Count
Count of records in the AGKEY database table, which stores aggregation keys.


Data storage information in the Canister.

Memory in Use
Current percentage of available memory in use in the Canister
Canister Memory Current Size
Current size in MB of Canister memory in use
Canister Memory Max
Maximum available Canister memory in MB
Canister Memory Configuration
Maximum available memory in MB on the Canister server
STC Compression Ratio
Compression ratio of memory in the STC
STC Compressed Size
Size of STC memory in MB when compressed
STC Uncompressed Size
Size of STC memory in MB when uncompressed
Size of session attribute table
HDTA Compressed Size
Compressed size of the hit table
HDTA Uncompressed Size
Uncompressed size of the hit table
HDTA Compression Ratio
Compression ratio of the hit table


Memory usage in the Canister.

Cache Pages
Number of data cache pages configured for use
Cache Pages Used
Number of data cache pages in use
Cache Pages Maximum Used
High-water mark for data cache pages used
Cache Pages Dedicated
Number of data cache pages dedicated to configured tables
Cache Used Dedicated
Number of dedicated pages in use
Cache Max Dedicated
High-water mark for dedicated pages used
Buffer Pages
Number of pages configured for table indexes
Buffer Used
Number of table index pages in use
Buffer Max
High-water mark for index pages in used

Disk Usage

Disk drive usage for the Canister.

Total Canister Size on Disk
Total size in MB of Canister data, including indexes, stored in the disk
Server Disk Size
Total size of the hard disk in MB for the server
Server Free Disk Size
Total size in MB of available disk space
Total File Count in Index Directory
This figure is non-zero when the number of indexing workfiles has increased due to an indexing error condition. Typically, this metric is 0.


Current and recent CPU usage for the Canister.

CPU Utilization
Percentage of CPU resources in use at last update
CPU Utilization (Last 10 Minutes)
Percentage of CPU resources in use in 10 minutes prior to last update
CPU Utilization (Last Hour)
Percentage of CPU resources in use in last hour prior to last update


Miscellaneous server information.

Server Client Connection Count
Current count of connections to the Canister server
Server Connection Maximum Count
Maximum count of simultaneous connections permitted to the Canister server
Pending Locks on Tables in Database
Count of lock requests pending for tables in the LSSN database

Can Trim Statistics

Statistics on the last Canister trimming operation.

  • If CanTrim has never been executed on the Canister, these values are listed as N/A.
Last Trimming Operation
Timestamp of last trimming operation of Canister data
Sessions Removed
Number of sessions trimmed in last CanTrim operation
Total Sessions Removed
Total number of sessions trimmed since last server restart

Event Definitions

Version information for the event definitions currently in use by the Canister.

  • This information is provided for debugging purposes only.
Discover build number for the event definitions
A checksum value for the event definitions file on the server
Last Updated
Timestamp for when the event definitions were last updated in the Canister