Health Based Routing (HBR)

This report displays the current status of the canisters monitored by Health Based Routing.

  • Health Based Routing enables the routing of hit data to multiple canisters for processing based on the health and load on each canister. For more information on HBR, see "Health-Based Routing (HBR) Session Agent" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.
  • Through the Portal Management page, you can add and configure Transport Servers. For more information on how to configure a transport server, see Discover Servers.


A message indicating the current state of all canisters. A properly functioning HBR system is indicated by the message Healthy.
Last Started
A timestamp indicating the last time HBR was started.
Max Sessions
The maximum number of sessions that HBR will manage at any one time. HBR has an internal session table to indicate which canister a session belongs and this value determines the size of that table. Entries are managed via a LRU (Least Recently Used) algorithm, i.e., if the table is full and a new entry is needed the oldest entry is thrown out. For most sites the default value of 100,000 is sufficient.
Routing Method
The method by which sessions are routed to individual canisters. The available values are "equal" or "bias". The value "equal" is somewhat of a misnomer as canisters can be rated differently ("equal" being a holdover from early HBR versions which required that all target canisters were equal).
Max Cycle Time
The longest time required to poll all the target canisters for their health. Normally this value will be in the single digit second value.
Current Spooled Hits
Number of hits that are currently spooled by the HBR server.
Last Updated
Timestamp for when HBR last updated this information.
Startup Routing
A fallback (safety valve) value if for some reason HBR can not determine the health status of the target canisters. This should never come into play as if HBR can not determine the health of a canister it will assume it to be unhealthy and keep it out of rotation.
Last Cycle Time
A timestamp indicating the last time that the canisters were restarted.
Max Cycle Time At
A timestamp indicating when the Max Cycle Time value occurred.
Time of First Hit in Spool Files
A timestamp indicating when the first hit was added to the currently open spool files. This value is maintained until the spool files are removed from the disk.

Individual Canisters

Some key fields are described below.

Health State
A message indicating the current state of the canister. A properly functioning canister is indicated by the message Healthy.
Continue Sessions
If set to yes, the canister attempts to merge fragmented sessions into whole sessions.
Governor Ex Status Instance
An identifier internal to HBR of each instance of the DecoupleEx session agent in the Discover system.
Routing %
If HBR is configured to route traffic based on percentages, this value indicates the percentage range of traffic that is routed to this canister.
Forced Routing
If set to Yes, some web traffic is forced to be processed by this canister.
Canister Unhealthy Count
Over the previous reporting period, this value indicates the number of times that the canister has been in an unhealthy state.
Last Canister Unhealthy Time
A timestamp indicating the last time that the canister was in a non-Healthy state.
Last Canister Unhealthy Reason
A readable message identifying the reason why the canister was unhealthy at Last Canister Unhealthy Time.