System Statistics

The System Statistics reports expose a variety of metrics on the data that Discover is currently capturing.

Note: Data in these reports is populated by sending statistic hits from the components listed below. For each component, Statistics hits must be enabled and properly configured. See Enabling System Statistics Hits.

There are three classes of components: DecoupleEx, HCL Discover Capture, and CanisterAS machines.

  • DecoupleEx - monitors data that is passed to the DecoupleEx session agent at the beginning of the main processing pipeline.
    • See "Extended Decoupler Session Agent" in the HCL Discover Configuration Manual.
  • Capture - monitors data captured by the HCL Discover Network Capture Application
    • See "DNCA Web Console - Statistics Tab" in the Discover Network Capture Application Manual.
  • CanisterAS - Monitors activity status on the Short-Term and Long-Term Canisters.

For each component class, you can review a series of reports in the Statistics section.