Portal Reporting for Discover Administrators

Through the Portal, Discover administrators can access a wealth of information on the current and historical performance of the HCL Discover system as a whole, as well as individual components. Information includes a variety of useful reports, statistical information generated by the system itself, and logs for each Discover component.

About this task

The following Portal reporting features provide critical information to Discover administrators who are maintaining the system or diagnosing issues.


  1. System Status: These reports provide data on current activities in the Windows pipeline, Short Term Canister, Long Term Canister, and storage devices. See System Status.
  2. System Statistics: HCL Discover can generate statistical hits on the DecoupleEx session agent, HCL Discover Network Capture Application, and Canisters, which can be reviewed through the Portal. See System Statistics.
  3. Portal Application Information Report: Available through the Portal menu, this report provides status information and a set of functional tests for the Portal application. Depending on whether you are a Discover user or administrator, the report delivers different content. See Portal Application Information Report.