Database Filegroup Size

The Database Filegroup Size report contains useful metrics on the current size and growth of the Discover databases.

  • The data collector polls for this data once per day at 2:00 AM.
Note: After installation or upgrade is completed, data may not be available in this report until up to 1 hour later. If data does not appear in the report after 1 hour, there is a known issue that may be affecting the updating of the report.
Note: To be able to retrieve all of the available data to populate this report, the DCADMIN account requires additional permissions.

Data displayed in this report is specific to the currently selected database on the selected server for the specified date range.

In the chart, you can review the current size in megabytes of each filegroup in the currently selected database.

  • To review size information for another Discover database, make your selection from the database drop-down. You must select the server where the database is hosted.
  • The list of available servers includes all active and inactive Report Servers and HCL Discover Database Search Servers, as defined in the Portal Management page. See Discover Servers.

If the date range is more than a single day, the Daily Percentage Growth chart is added to the right of the Filegroup Size chart. Charted growth for the selected database is displayed across the configured date range.

Available databases include the following:

Note: The following database names are the defaults provided by Discover. The names may differ in your Discover solution.
Default DB Name
The System database is used for configuring and operating the Portal application and Discover reporting capabilities.
The Reporting database contains statistics collected from Discover Processing Servers, including event, path, and statistics information in aggregated format.
The Statistics database contains performance information on theDiscover system.

In the detail table, you can review statistics on each filegroup of the currently selected database for each date in the selected range.

Date when report information was collected for the filegroup
File Group
The filegroup to which the row of data applies
Total Space (MB)
Total space occupied by the filegroup on the storage device on the listed date
Free Space (MB)
Total space in megabytes on the storage device
% Space Free
Percentage of space available on the storage device
Size (MB)
Total space in megabytes occupied by the filegroup
Daily % Growth
Percentage of growth in database size from the previous day
  • This value is zero if the date range is a single date or if no data is available.
Avg Daily Growth
Average daily growth of database size in megabytes over the selected date range
Daily Delta
Change in database size in megabytes from the previous day
Monthly % Growth
Percentage of growth in database size from the previous month, if the date range is at least two months
Avg Monthly Growth
Average monthly growth of database size in megabytes if the date range is at least two months
Monthly Delta
Change in database size in megabytes from the previous month
Filename of the database file