Server Toolbar

Depending on the type of server you have selected, a toolbar may appear with some or all of the following commands in it. The toolbar above the table contains buttons for all actions that can be performed on a server.

For the currently selected server, the following toolbar commands may apply. They are listed below in left-to-right order as they may appear in the toolbar:

Table 1. Server Toolbar


Icon Command Description
Ping Server Ping the server to test connectivity. See Ping Server.
Collector Dates Displays the dates when data was collected from the server. See Collector dates.
Collector Statistics This command displays the statistics of its most recent Data Collector run. See Collector Statistics.
Collector Index Contains information on the most recent indexing operations performed on the server. See Collector Index.
Long Term Archive Identifies the most recent operations to move session data to the long term archive. See Long Term Archive.
Search Indexes Indicates the most recent indexing operations for searching. See Search Indexes.
Backup Info Lists the most recent backup activities for the server. See Backup Info.
Command Line Opens a command line interface with the server. See Command Line.
Registry and Services Displays Windows™ registry and Services information for the server. See Registry and services.
Windows Event Log Displays Application or System event log messages in the Portal. See Windows Event Log.
Discover Logs Displays all Discover logs. See Discover Logs.