Capture Application Server

This section is used for configuring Unica Discover Network Capture Application servers for the Portal.

Note: To include statistics from the Unica Discover Network Capture Application in the Discover Status report, you must create an instance of the Capture Application Server from which the Portal can retrieve statistics. See Discover Status Report.
Note: Additional configuration of the Unica Discover Network Capture Application itself is available through the DNCA web console. See "Network Capture Configuration via Web Console" in the Unica Discover Network Capture Application Manual.

The Capture Application Server configuration consists of the following properties:

When selected, the server uses HTTPS only.
Note: If this value is selected, please verify that the Port number is configured appropriately.
Display Name
The label used to identify the server.
Host Name
The DNS name or IP address of the Unica Discover Network Capture Application server. This value must be able to be resolved by the server that hosts the Portal.
The port of the Web server on the Unica Discover Network Capture Application server.
If configured, enter the username for the Portal to use to access the DNCA web console.
  • See "Network Capture Configuration via Web Console" in the Unica Discover Network Capture Application Manual.
If configured, enter the password for the Portal to use to access the DNCA web console.
Note: Changing the default password for this server is not supported in this version.
  • See "Network Capture Configuration via Web Console" in the Unica Discover Network Capture Application Manual.

When a Capture Application server is selected, the following commands are available:

  • Ping Server - Returns statistical information stats.xml from the Capture Application Server.
  • Open Console - Opens the DNCA console using the username and password specified for the Capture Application Server.