Errors in application event log

This section describes error messages that might be displayed in the application event log.

<server> unable to connect to master <Manage Services master>

About this task

Logged every 5 minutes while master can't be reached.

  • Verify that Manage Services is running on the Manage Services Master Server.
  • In the Windows™ Registry, check the MasterServer value in:
    • 32-bit:
      HKLM\Software\Discover Technology\DCMgmtSrv
    • 64-bit:
      HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Discover Technology\DCMgmtSrv
  • If the Manage Services Master Server is the same server hosting the Portal, set this value to localhost.

<server> error starting HTTPS server!

About this task

Check rest of error message for information.

<server> error loading Manage Services configuration!

About this task

<server> error loading data store!

About this task

<server> error building data store!

About this task

  • Error while building data store.
  • Check rest of error message for more information.
  • Verify that disk is not full.

<server> error initializing data store!

About this task

Check rest of error message for more information.

<server> error reinitializing data store!

About this task

  • Check rest of error message for more information.
  • This error may be encountered when reinitializing the data store from the command line.

<server> an exception was caught!

About this task

  • Check message for dump file location.
  • Send dump file to Discover Technical Support.

<server> error doing discovery of installed components and configurations!

About this task

  • Check rest of error message for more information.
  • Most likely encountered on slave - error sending data to master.
  • Most likely you must delete data store on slave, which then reloads from the master.

server ID not found

About this task

  • On Manage Services Master - either server was renamed or Manage Services Master server name was entered incorrectly.
  • In Windows Registry, check MasterServer value in HKLM\Software\Discover Technology\DCMgmtSrv for correct server.
  • Reinitialize data store using DCMgmtSrv -reinit command.

<server> Manage Services encryption key is different than key in Manage Services datastore. Please contact Discover technical support.

About this task

  • May occur if Manage Services was uninstalled and then reinstalled without removing the old Manage Services data store (Discover\System\DMSStore directory).
  • Reinitialize data store to fix.