Reinitializing Manage Services Datastore

Complete the following steps to re-initialize the Manage Services datastore.

About this task

If directed by Customer Support, you can re-initialize the Discover Management System's datastore, which contains all configuration information for the components known to Manage Services.

Note: This step removes the Discover Management System's datastore. If you have unsaved changes that you wish to apply, please save them and apply to all affected servers before you complete these steps.


  1. If you have not done so already, you should identify the Manage Services Master Server. See Configuring the Manage Services Server.
  2. Login to the server that is hosting the Manage Services Master Server as an administrator.
  3. Open the Windows™ Services Control Panel.
  4. Stop the Discover Management Server service.
  5. Navigate to the following directory:
  6. Delete all files in this directory.
  7. In the Windows Services Control Panel, restart the Discover Management Server service.
  8. When the service is restarted, the DMSStore directory is repopulated via Manage Services discovery, and Manage Services is available through the Portal.