
You can use the listfolder command to view the list of folders available in the database.


You can use the option to view the list of folders in the database or the folders under a specific folder in the database.

Syntax and command line options

You can run the command as described below.
ocli model listfolder | lf foldername

foldername: If you want to view the list of folders under a specific folder, you need to specify the name of that folder. If you want to view the list of folders in the root, then specify a forward slash ("/"). If you want to view the list of all folders and sub-folders in the root, then specify a forward slash followed by an ampersand character ("@").


  1. Run the following command to view the list of all folders and sub-folders in the database:
    ocli model listfolder /@
  2. Run the following command to view the list of folders under the folder RITS in the root:
    ocli model listfolder /RITS
  3. Run the following command to view the list of folders and sub-folders under the folder RITS:
    ocli model listfolder /RITS/@